
Introducing Stefany, the epitome of irresistibly beautiful and upscale escort services available through Agence Majestic. At the age of 25, this Brazilian beauty radiates an aura of elegance and sophistication that is simply captivating. With her long, slender legs and finely featured face, Stefany effortlessly commands attention wherever she goes. Prepare to be watched and envied by all as you bask in the company of this remarkable companion.

As a model by profession, Stefany possesses all the qualities that make her a truly distinguished escort. Standing at a statuesque height of 1m76 and weighing 56kg, her slim and toned dancer’s body is a testament to her dedication to sport and fitness. With her inviting brown eyes and luxurious brown locks, she exudes a mesmerizing charm that is impossible to resist.

Stefany’s linguistic talents are not to be overlooked either; fluent in both Portuguese and English, she can effortlessly engage in conversation with clients from various backgrounds. This linguistic versatility adds an extra layer of depth to her already captivating persona.

In the realm of hobbies, Stefany delights in sport, dance, and fashion. Her vibrant personality and positive energy make her the perfect companion for those seeking unforgettable and magical moments. Whether you desire a discreet encounter, a girlfriend experience, or simply a charming partner to accompany you during your travels, Stefany will cater to your every need.

Stefany’s service extends beyond Switzerland, as she is available for engagements in Europe and worldwide. For clients seeking discretion, Stefany understands the importance of maintaining privacy and ensuring a discreet experience.

Book your journey with Stefany and immerse yourself in a world of her sweet sensuality. Allow her to transport you to the most beautiful beaches and embrace the salt of the sea as you revel in her elegance and unmistakable allure. Discover why Stefany is adored by those who seek nothing but the finest escort encounters.

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1 Hour 2 Hours 4 Hours 12 Hours
700.- CHF 1100.- CHF 1900.- CHF 3100.- CHF


Portuguese, English


Cup Size
Hair Color
Eye Color


Switzerland, Europe, Worldwide


What services does Stefany offer as an escort model?
Stefany offers a range of services including discreet encounters, girlfriend experiences, and travel companionship.
Can Stefany communicate fluently in multiple languages?
Yes, Stefany is fluent in both Portuguese and English, allowing her to engage in conversations with clients from various backgrounds.
Where is Stefany available for bookings?
Stefany is available for bookings in Switzerland, Europe, and worldwide, ensuring her services are accessible to clients from different locations.
Does Stefany prioritize discretion for her clients?
Yes, Stefany understands the importance of privacy and ensures a discreet experience for her clients.
Can Stefany be booked through Agence Majestic?
Yes, Stefany's escort services can be booked through the reputable agency Agence Majestic, known for providing exceptional experiences.

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