
Introducing ANNAE VIP, the captivating escort model representing Agence Elégance. At the age of 24, she hails from France and possesses an undeniable allure that is sure to entice. With luscious chestnut hair cascading around her shoulders, ANNAE VIP boasts a mesmerizing beauty that is impossible to resist. Standing at a petite height of 160 cm and weighing 48 kg, her slender figure perfectly complements her natural charm.

Fluent in both French and English, ANNAE VIP effortlessly exudes sophistication and refinement. As a student, she embodies intelligence and elegance, providing clients with delightful conversations that go beyond the superficial. But don’t be fooled by her academic pursuits, for ANNAE VIP knows how to let her hair down and embrace a vibrant lifestyle.

When she’s not busy enchanting esteemed clients, ANNAE VIP engages in a myriad of hobbies. From swimming and cycling to embarking on exciting travels, she seeks out thrilling adventures and indulges in exquisite gastronomy. Her fondness for reading adds depth to her persona, making her an ideal companion for intellectually stimulating conversations.

ANNAE VIP’s exceptional services extend far and wide, spanning Switzerland, Europe, and even worldwide. Whether you require her captivating presence at an airport, desire a discreet encounter, or seek the perfect girlfriend experience, ANNAE VIP remains devoted to fulfilling your desires. Her piercing green eyes effortlessly draw you in, capturing your attention and locking it with an irresistible gaze.

In ANNAE VIP, Agence Elégance presents a truly exceptional escort model. With her enchanting beauty, fluent languages, and genuine passion for creating unforgettable experiences, she encapsulates the essence of the agency’s commitment to luxury, refinement, and discretion. Allow yourself to be immersed in her intoxicating presence, and let ANNAE VIP redefine your perception of pleasure.

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1 Hour 2 Hours 4 Hours 12 Hours
800.- CHF 1200.- CHF 2000.- CHF 3200.- CHF


Français, anglais


Cup Size
Hair Color
Eye Color


Suisse, Europe, monde


What makes ANNAE VIP a standout escort model?
ANNAE VIP stands out with her captivating beauty, intelligence, and refined persona, making her the epitome of luxury and sophistication.
What are ANNAE VIP's spoken languages?
ANNAE VIP is fluent in both French and English, ensuring seamless communication and a delightful experience for clients.
What are some of ANNAE VIP's hobbies and interests?
ANNAE VIP indulges in hobbies such as swimming, cycling, traveling, gastronomy, and reading, adding depth and excitement to her vibrant personality.
In which regions does ANNAE VIP offer her services?
ANNAE VIP is available for companionship in Switzerland, throughout Europe, and even worldwide, catering to the desires of discerning clients worldwide.
What can clients expect from ANNAE VIP's exceptional services?
Clients can expect ANNAE VIP to provide a captivating, discreet, and genuine experience, fulfilling desires and leaving a lasting impression.

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